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2025 Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Degrees


The Embassy of the Republic of Korea is glad to announce that the National Institute for International Education (NIIED) of the Republic of Korea will invite one (3) Timorese students for 2025 Global Korea Scholarship for Graduate Program.

This Scholarship Program is aimed to provide opportunity for international student to attend higher education in Korea in order to promote international exchanges in education and mutual friendship between the countries.

The Application Guidelines including qualifications and required documents/forms for submission are hereby attached, and you can also access the website (Study in Korea | run by Korean Government).

  * Embassy Track : Applicants apply to the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Dili


In accordance with the Application Guidelines, please visit and submit the application to the 

Embassy of Korea, by February 26(Wednesday), 2025 (17:00).

(Next step, Interview will take place around March 17, 2025.(TBA))

Please kindly note that those who fail to meet one of the qualifications set forth in the guideline will be disqualified.

For Further information, please refer to the attached file, and any inquiry on the above mentioned matter can be made to the Embassy as follows : 332-1567(Mr. Walter de Lima), walterdelima@mofa.or.kr
